Hire Better

Our sales-specific hiring process is 92% accurate at predicting who will succeed in your company, selling your products and services to your customers.

Coach Effectively

Only 5% of sales managers  coach effectively. Do yours? We can help your organization implement the sales management skills needed to coach your team to real selling success.

Sell More

Sales force effectiveness should be your competitive advantage. How does your sales force stack up? Does your team have the skills that are needed to effectively prospect, qualify and close more business at better margins?

Hire Better

Our sales-specific hiring process is 92% accurate at predicting who will succeed in your company, selling your products and services to your customers.

Coach Effectively

Only 5% of sales managers  coach effectively. Do yours? We can help your organization implement the sales management skills needed to coach your team to real selling success.

Sell More

Sales force effectiveness should be your competitive advantage. How does your sales force stack up? Does your team have the skills that are needed to effectively prospect, qualify and close more business at better margins?

Wondering how much insight we have??? Here’s the number of assessments that we’ve completed (give or take 5 minutes!)

<div class="clock" style="width: 110%;"><br /> <script type="text/javascript"><br /> var clock;<br /> var omg_stats_salespeople;<br /> var omg_stats_salespeople_temp;<br /> var omg_stats_salespeople_increment_seconds;<br /> var omg_stats_salespeople_increment_quantity;<br /> var digit;</p><p>$(document).ready(function () {</p><p>$.ajax({<br /> url: "https://api.objectivemanagement.com/stats"<br /> }).then(function (data) {<br /> omg_stats_salespeople = data.salespeople;<br /> omg_stats_salespeople_temp = 0;<br /> omg_stats_salespeople_increment_seconds = data.salespeopleIncrementSeconds;<br /> omg_stats_salespeople_increment_quantity = data.salespeopleIncrementQuantity;<br /> digit = 0;</p><p>// Instantiate a counter<br /> clock = new FlipClock($('.clock'), omg_stats_salespeople, {<br /> clockFace: 'Counter'<br /> });<br /> clock.setValue(0);</p><p>setTimeout(omgStatusUpdate, (1000));<br /> });<br /> });</p><p>function omgStatusUpdate() {<br /> if (omg_stats_salespeople_temp < omg_stats_salespeople) {<br /> number = Math.floor((omg_stats_salespeople / Math.pow(10, digit)) % 10);<br /> omg_stats_salespeople_temp += (number * Math.pow(10, digit));<br /> clock.setValue(omg_stats_salespeople_temp);<br /> digit += 1;<br /> } else {<br /> for (i = 0; i < omg_stats_salespeople_increment_quantity; i++) clock.increment();<br /> }<br /> setTimeout(omgStatusUpdate, ((omg_stats_salespeople_temp < omg_stats_salespeople) ? 800 : 1000 * omg_stats_salespeople_increment_seconds));<br /> }<br /> </script><br /> </div>

We know more about salespeople and managers because we have more sales-specific data than anyone!!!