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Selling Has Changed and So Have the Skills Needed to Succeed

B2B selling has changed. Sellers that succeed in disrupted markets have a unique set of skills and abilities. What are they?

Selling Value in the Age of Amazon

The evolution of “value” selling requires that sellers have special skills and abilities.  This clip discusses what it takes to successfully sell against non-traditional competitors.

Sales Force Evaluation

Should you evaluate your current sales team?  What will you learn?

The Strategic Sell Series

Surviving in the Age of Amazon

Survival requires salespeople to think differently and have vastly better skills than ever before.

It’s Not Your Comp Plan

Thinking about modifying your sales compensation plan…think again.

Teaching A Cat To Fetch

Some sales reps are untrainable. Allocate resources to those capable of improving.

Coaching the ‘Coach’

Turn sales managers into successful coaches by improving three traits.

Sales Reps are the Difference Makers

Modern B2B sales mandates that your sales reps “be the value”.

Hire Better Sales
Reps in Six Steps

Finding ‘A’ players will result in higher product sales.

What Makes an Elite Sales Person?

Everyone wants an elite salesforce. The question is how?

Hiring Millennials for Sales Roles

How does the next generation compare to veteran sales reps?

Assess for Success

Chances of finding a sales superstar are low.  Five ways to weed out underperformers early…

Inside Sales

B2B insides sales is rapidly growing.  This article discusses the growth of inside sales and the appropriate role for inside sales.

Self-Managed Sales Force

The data is in and the days of the swashbuckling, self-managed salesperson are over. This article reviews discusses the best practices for leading a sales team.

Sales Manager Effectiveness

Effective sales management is the key to sales success.  In this article you will learn exactly what your sales managers need to do to transform your sales team.

Closing is Overrated

Sales leaders are obsessed with closing.  Their focus is misguided. Here is why…