Peer or Peddler?

How do you know which room do you belong in? We all have choices—lots of them. Customers and prospects choose who they will work with, and their choices speak volumes about you and your approach to selling. Customers tell us that they want: A salesperson that can...

Are you curious enough to succeed?

What Ted Lasso can teach you about sales and sales leadership. I have a confession. I am hooked on Ted…Ted Lasso. Ted Lasso* is an award-wining comedy on AppleTV+. The series follows an American football coach, Ted Lasso, who is hired to coach an English premier...
Disruption…Gotta Love It!

Disruption…Gotta Love It!

Successful selling in a time of uncertainty The famous opening line from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities could just as easily apply to the selling in 2021: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Supply chain disruptions are...

Recapturing Sales Growth 2021

Differentiate from competitors ahead of a post-COVID economy By most measures, jan/san businesses faired well in 2020. Most of our clients had their strongest year ever. While revenue growth was modest, unprecedented COVID-related product demand shifted the product...
2021: What’s your plan?

2021: What’s your plan?

2021: What’s your plan? Positioning your sales team for post-pandemic success. The third quarter of a tumultuous 2020 is in the books, and we are well into the fourth quarter. Businesses everywhere have begun to think about 2021. While no one can predict what...
Virtual Selling…Is Your Team You Ready?

Virtual Selling…Is Your Team You Ready?

Four questions leaders should ask about virtual selling COVID-19’s impact on society has been astounding. The effect on business to business (B2B) sales is transformational. Google the term “virtual selling,” and a seemingly endless list is returned....